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My son was stopped at school

I am an expat and recently migrated to Netherlands. I just joined my 4 years old son to school, he is bit hyper and is not paying attention to teachers. So, he is now stopped from school from 21st September . When I connected with GP he said that CJG can help him getting the right school.

However, my son getting bored and desperate by staying at house whole day. I have requested for an appointment. But, I would like to know if there is anything that I can do sooner to get him the schooling early or find the right school.

Het is de school die een vervangende school voor je zoon moet zoeken. Als school niet meewerkt dan zou je de onderwijsconsulenten kunnen proberen.

Leerplicht is vanaf 5 dus ik weet niet of de school ook bij een vierjarige voor vervanging moet zorgen. Ik kan me echter niet voorstellen dat ze kind naar huis sturen zonder verdere instructies.

Wat heeft school gezegd? Ga naar je huisarts en het CJG?

Do you mean your son is suspended from school? Or have you just been told that he is not allowed to come anymore? The school cannot simply send him away without offering an alternative. Is mediation still possible? Did you get something in writing from the school?

He is 4 years old, so it is not surprising that he is a bit restless and cannot pay attention all day long. I looks to me that this is normal 4-year old behavour. Or is there more going on? Has he been bulling or aggressive?

Daglichtlamp schreef op 25-09-2023 om 12:50:

Het is de school die een vervangende school voor je zoon moet zoeken. Als school niet meewerkt dan zou je de onderwijsconsulenten kunnen proberen.


School is obligated to help you. I'd ask their IB-er. 

Who is getting desperate? Your son or his parents? Migrating from India to the Netherlands is such a major life event that it's beyond the comprehension of a 4 year old. Behavorial problems were to be expected.  If you send your son to another school now , you might encounter the same problems.  Looking for a school for kids with special needs  is way too early.  If you only just moved to our country  you might give him more time to adjust before sending him off to school. Explore your new surroundings together, go to the neighbourhood's playground, visit the kid's department of the local library.  School is not mandatory until your kid is 5 years old. Dutch parents are entitled to parents leave/ouderschapsverlof . Discuss this with your employer so you and your family can have  an easier landing in the Netherlands. 

alhambra schreef op 25-09-2023 om 12:57:

Leerplicht is vanaf 5 dus ik weet niet of de school ook bij een vierjarige voor vervanging moet zorgen. Ik kan me echter niet voorstellen dat ze kind naar huis sturen zonder verdere instructies.

Wat heeft school gezegd? Ga naar je huisarts en het CJG?

Dat maakt niet uit. Kind is toegelaten tot school, dus school is nu verantwoordelijk voor hem. Schorsen kan voor maximaal 1 week. Bij verwijdering is artikel 40, lid 11 van de WPO van toepassing:

Voordat wordt besloten tot verwijdering hoort het bevoegd gezag de betrokken groepsleraar en de ouders van de leerling. Definitieve verwijdering van een leerling vindt niet plaats dan nadat het bevoegd gezag ervoor heeft zorg gedragen dat een andere school bereid is de leerling toe te laten. Onder andere school kan ook worden verstaan een school voor speciaal onderwijs, een school voor speciaal en voortgezet speciaal onderwijs of een instelling voor speciaal en voortgezet speciaal onderwijs.

Overigens is school ook verantwoordelijk als besloten wordt om een leerling niet wordt toegelaten om een andere school te vinden die hem wel wil toelaten.

Perhaps everyone can respond in English? So that the topic starter also understands what is being said. She indicates that she has only just emigrated to the Netherlands, so she might not speak or read the Dutch language. It's polite to adjust for a moment.

Boarn schreef op 25-09-2023 om 13:22:

Perhaps everyone can respond in English? So that the topic starter also understands what is being said. She indicates that she has only just emigrated to the Netherlands, so she might not speak or read the Dutch language. It's polite to adjust for a moment.

Aangezien ze een Nederlands forum heeft gevonden, neem ik aan dat ze ook wel in staat is om een goede manier te vinden om te vertalen wat ik schrijf. En aangezien mijn Nederlands een stuk beter is dan mijn Engels, zijn mijn adviezen in het Nederlands ook beter.

Boarn schreef op 25-09-2023 om 13:26:, kleine moeite!

Precies, dus dat hoef ik niet zelf te doen.

Boarn schreef op 25-09-2023 om 13:22:

Perhaps everyone can respond in English? So that the topic starter also understands what is being said. She indicates that she has only just emigrated to the Netherlands, so she might not speak or read the Dutch language. It's polite to adjust for a moment.

In my opinion it would have have been  more polite if TO had excused himself for writing in a foreign language on a Dutch forum first. 

Zo'n gebrek aan ouderlijk inlevingsvermogen is ook niet wat een school of een onderwijsconsulent maar even oplost.  Mijn kleuter was destijds van de verhuizing van de Randstad naar Brabant al flink van de leg.



25-09-2023 om 14:25 Topicstarter

Boarn wrote on September 25, 2023 at 1:00 PM:

Do you mean your son is suspended from school? Or have you just been told that he is not allowed to come anymore? The school cannot simply send him away without offering an alternative. Is mediation still possible? Did you get something in writing from the school?

He is 4 years old, so it is not surprising that he is a bit restless and cannot pay attention all day long. I look to me that this is normal 4-year old behaviour. Or is there more going on? Has he been bulling or aggressive?

He is told not to come to school further. They said they will look for an alternative. 

I requested them to allow only half a day at the least. But still its denied. I have been assigned a social worker, she is updating on the happenings. But not upto the mark so far. 

He is not bulling or aggressive , he is stepping out of the class without asking permission and he is not making eye contact with them. Actually, he went to school in India the system is different from here. It is taking him to adjust to this. But school is not understanding from my shoes. I dont know whom can I approach at this stage here.

being stopped he is more desperate. Any guidance will be helpful for me. 

I feel even adults cannot stay at home all day. If a school is not understanding this, I dont know what to say.

Does your company have a consultant that can help you navigate the Dutch schoolsystem? I hope they make an effort to take good care of people that are willing to move with their family’s across the world to work for them. I assume it is good for the company when their employees families are finding their way here. When you worry about your child and it cannot go to school, you are distracted at work. So I would ask HR of your company if there are services in place.

then i think there is more to this story. I think that there are alarmsigns for his behavior, because they are telling you that your Child is not making eye contact? Do they think something is wrong?

Or are they Just saying that maybe he must go to kindergarten, and then over time he can go to school? So he have more time to grow?

If he walks out of class without asking, the school cannot garantee his safety. That might be what is going on.

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