Basisschoolleeftijd Basisschoolleeftijd


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Welke advies

Daglichtlamp schreef op 27-06-2023 om 11:53:


Ik vermoed dat problemen met Nederlands niet ten grondslag liggen aan zijn lage score, want dan zou je die ook terugzien bij in elk geval spelling, en waarschijnlijk ook bij de DMT.

NT2 kinderen hebben vaak vooral een achterstand in hun Nederlandse woordenschat; iets wat cruciaal is bij begrijpend lezen, en bij spelling en technisch lezen helemaal niet zo'n grote rol speelt. Bij een goede score voor spelling, DMT en rekenen, en een slechte score voor begrijpend lezen, denk ik aan een kind dat cognitief vrij sterk is, maar bij wie de woordenschat achterblijft. 

Renmuis schreef op 27-06-2023 om 12:39:


NT2 kinderen hebben vaak vooral een achterstand in hun Nederlandse woordenschat; iets wat cruciaal is bij begrijpend lezen, en bij spelling en technisch lezen helemaal niet zo'n grote rol speelt. Bij een goede score voor spelling, DMT en rekenen, en een slechte score voor begrijpend lezen, denk ik aan een kind dat cognitief vrij sterk is, maar bij wie de woordenschat achterblijft.

Dan zou je dat ook bij de zaakvakken zien (aardrijkskunde, geschiedenis, biologie), maar goed daar hebben we nog geen antwoord op.



27-06-2023 om 12:46 Topicstarter

Daglichtlamp schreef op 27-06-2023 om 11:53:


Je hoeft natuurlijk niet in het Engels te reageren. Aangezien topicstarter dit Nederlandstalige forum gevonden heeft, vermoed ik dat ze wel Nederlands leest (eventueel met wat hulp met google translate).

Om een goed advies te kunnen geven moeten we meer van zoon weten. Van welke groep zijn deze resultaten? Is dat in lijn met wat hij haalde in eerdere groepen? Is Nederlands voor hem een vreemde taal? Hoe lang is hij al in Nederland? Is er al specifiek hulp/bijles ingezet op begrijpend lezen? Dat zou mijn eerste interventie zijn. Ik vermoed dat problemen met Nederlands niet ten grondslag liggen aan zijn lage score, want dan zou je die ook terugzien bij in elk geval spelling, en waarschijnlijk ook bij de DMT. Dus dan is mijn verwachting dat hij niet zo goed weet wat bij begrijpend lezen van hem verwacht wordt. Dat zou in een paar bijlessen bijgespijkerd kunnen zijn. Hoe gaan zijn zaakvakken (geschiedenis/aardrijkskunde/biologie etc). Als het echt gaat om onvermogen om met stukken tekst om te gaan zou je verwachten dat je dat 

He is Netherlands since he was 2 .. he speaks Dutch fluently the teacher even made comments that his Dutch is not kids whose parents first language isn’t Dutch. In spelling and DMT he is always 1 or 2.he was on bijles all year in groep 7 n he also made improvements n got B3 but this final citos he got C4. 

Aneeqa schreef op 27-06-2023 om 12:37:

he is in groep 7 …. He is getting education in Netherlands since peuterspeelzaal. His first class 7 report was better then this he had
Rekenen A1
Begrijpend lezen B3
Dmt A1
Spelling A1
But he his scores have gone down.

Does he enjoy reading? Does he have any special interests, like history or science or geography?

In my experience, kids who struggle with reading comprehension often lack the vocabulary or the general knowledge to interpret a text effectively. Tricks and strategies can only get you so far.  

With multilingual kids it is often a smaller vocabulary that's the issue, even if they grew up here. (Although he probably has a bigger vocabulary than his monolingual peers, it's just that when it comes to "begrijpend lezen" only his Dutch vocabulary is helpful.) Definitely ask the school how they support his learning, and what you can do at home. 



27-06-2023 om 12:49 Topicstarter

Daglichtlamp schreef op 27-06-2023 om 12:43:


Dan zou je dat ook bij de zaakvakken zien (aardrijkskunde, geschiedenis, biologie), maar goed daar hebben we nog geen antwoord op.

Aardrijkskunde 8,4

Geschiedenis 8,4

Nature en techniek 9,0



27-06-2023 om 12:53 Topicstarter

Renmuis schreef op 27-06-2023 om 12:47:


Does he enjoy reading? Does he have any special interests, like history or science or geography?

In my experience, kids who struggle with reading comprehension often lack the vocabulary or the general knowledge to interpret a text effectively. Tricks and strategies can only get you so far.

With multilingual kids it is often a smaller vocabulary that's the issue, even if they grew up here. (Although he probably has a bigger vocabulary than his monolingual peers, it's just that when it comes to "begrijpend lezen" only his Dutch vocabulary is helpful.) Definitely ask the school how they support his learning, and what you can do at home.

He loves science , history .. teacher told me that whenever we start any topic he somehow knows everything about it … but he likes to read funny books only with humour. And he struggles with reading the begrijpend lezen text n follow the instructions.. for example he doesn’t reads the text fully n jumps on the questions n just read paragraph by paragraph n answers 

Daglichtlamp schreef op 27-06-2023 om 12:43:


Dan zou je dat ook bij de zaakvakken zien (aardrijkskunde, geschiedenis, biologie), maar goed daar hebben we nog geen antwoord op.

Het varieert per basisschool heel sterk hoe die vakken worden aangeboden en getoetst, en hoe zichtbaar dus de achterblijvende woordenschat daar is. Op de middelbare school ga je het daar inderdaad juist ook zien; daarom is begrijpend lezen meestal een goede indicator voor het niveau dat bij een kind past. 



27-06-2023 om 13:02 Topicstarter

syboor schreef op 27-06-2023 om 11:10:

Begrijpend lezen and Rekenen is all that matters. Spelling tells us more about the schools than about your child.

DMT, AVI and Woordenschat (vocabulary) don't count towards the school advice, but are important to explain the score on Begrijpend Lezen and figure out what best to do about it.

A1 means a score in the top 20%, so above the 80th percentile.
C4 means a score somewhat below average, between the 25th and 40th percentile.

Given the large discrepancy between Begrijpend Lezen en Rekenen, it's hard to give a school advice. Some schools round the scores for Begrijpend Lezen en Rekenen, whereas other schools look at the lowest score. 25th percentile would be vmbo-kader*, and 80th percentile would be vwo. If your child has spend a limited time it Dutch education, this should be taken into account. The teacher's own impression is also important.

I don't know if Kopklas is available in your region. Kopklas is an extra year focused on language, and is intended for children with the "capacity" for vmbo-tl or higher who have a Dutch language deficit. However, the school may also think your child is already capable of doing vmbo-tl (or will be by the end of primary school) and therefore does not need Kopklas.

I don’t know about kopklas.. we have no idea about Dutch education system. He was doing good in first half of class 7 he had 1 in other subjects and begrijpend lezen was B3 on the border line of 2/3. He was getting extra tution and he did well in the class tests through out the year

Aneeqa schreef op 27-06-2023 om 12:53:


He loves science , history .. teacher told me that whenever we start any topic he somehow knows everything about it … but he likes to read funny books only with humour. And he struggles with reading the begrijpend lezen text n follow the instructions.. for example he doesn’t reads the text fully n jumps on the questions n just read paragraph by paragraph n answers

C4 is really quite low compared to his other scores, which would concern me, and I think that it would be a good idea to talk to his teacher and come up with a plan: what can you do, and what can the school do to help him grow? Meanwhile, practice with him. This does not have to be in Dutch. Reading more with him in your native language, and then discussing the text together, will also support his learning a great deal, especially if it is a matter of simply struggling to read attentively. 

I'm not a fan of recommending tutors because I know it is not an option for everyone financially and it should not be necessary, but you might consider it.

What is the advies the teacher gave? 



27-06-2023 om 13:11 Topicstarter

Renmuis schreef op 27-06-2023 om 13:05:


C4 is really quite low compared to his other scores, which would concern me, and I think that it would be a good idea to talk to his teacher and come up with a plan: what can you do, and what can the school do to help him grow? Meanwhile, practice with him. This does not have to be in Dutch. Reading more with him in your native language, and then discussing the text together, will also support his learning a great deal, especially if it is a matter of simply struggling to read attentively.

I'm not a fan of recommending tutors because I know it is not an option for everyone financially and it should not be necessary, but you might consider it.

What is the advies the teacher gave?

I also think that he got fairly low in begrijpend lezen  .. and if you look at overall average at class test he has 7.6 average in begrijpend lezen

Woordenschat 8,3

Taal verkennen 8,8

Spelling 9,0

Werkwoord spelling 7,3



27-06-2023 om 13:13 Topicstarter

Aneeqa schreef op 27-06-2023 om 13:11:


I also think that he got fairly low in begrijpend lezen .. and if you look at overall average at class test he has 7.6 average in begrijpend lezen

Woordenschat 8,3

Taal verkennen 8,8

Spelling 9,0

Werkwoord spelling 7,3Renmuis schreef op 27-06-2023 om 13:05: [..] C4 is really quite low compared to his other scores, which would concern me, and I think that it would be a good idea to talk to his teacher and come up with a plan: what can you do, and what can the school do to help him grow? Meanwhile, practice with him. This does not have to be in Dutch. Reading more with him in your native language, and then discussing the text together, will also support his learning a great deal, especially if it is a matter of simply struggling to read attentively. I'm not a fan of recommending tutors because I know it is not an option for everyone financially and it should not be necessary, but you might consider it. What is the advies the teacher gave?

I am waiting for the advies yet. We will get it tomorrow… that’s why I took this forums help to get an idea about what to expect.

Aneeqa schreef op 27-06-2023 om 13:02:


I don’t know about kopklas.. we have no idea about Dutch education system. He was doing good in first half of class 7 he had 1 in other subjects and begrijpend lezen was B3 on the border line of 2/3. He was getting extra tution and he did well in the class tests through out the year

Kopklas is only available in some cities / regions. It's a bridge year between primary school and secondary school. It's aimed at (highly motivated) kids who could probably do well in a higher stream than their scores suggest, but whose Dutch language skills prevented them from showing their full potential. Usually that means kids who for example transferred to the Dutch school system from a non-Dutch speaking country, but also kids who grew up here but due to circumstances are lagging behind in their Dutch language development. During the kopklas year, the focus is on Dutch language acquisition exclusively. I am not sure if it is an option or a good choice for your son. 



27-06-2023 om 13:21 Topicstarter

Renmuis schreef op 27-06-2023 om 13:18:


Kopklas is only available in some cities / regions. It's a bridge year between primary school and secondary school. It's aimed at (highly motivated) kids who could probably do well in a higher stream than their scores suggest, but whose Dutch language skills prevented them from showing their full potential. Usually that means kids who for example transferred to the Dutch school system from a non-Dutch speaking country, but also kids who grew up here but due to circumstances are lagging behind in their Dutch language development. During the kopklas year, the focus is on Dutch language acquisition exclusively. I am not sure if it is an option or a good choice for your son.

Thankyou for your advice.. I will look into it  … he has 1 year before leaving primary school .I will search for the schools that kopklas 

Good luck tomorrow! What is your son hoping for?

It is a complicated case when there is such a discrepancy between rekenen & begrijpend lezen, especially when there is a multilingual background. Definitely ask lots of questions. 



27-06-2023 om 13:37 Topicstarter

Renmuis schreef op 27-06-2023 om 13:29:

Good luck tomorrow! What is your son hoping for?

It is a complicated case when there is such a discrepancy between rekenen & begrijpend lezen, especially when there is a multilingual background. Definitely ask lots of questions.

With previous report he was hoping for havo/vwo but now he doesn’t know … but I think if we manage to get havo that would be nice .. Because he gave his best whole year homework on time , prepared for all the tests .

I don’t know what to ask the teachers honestly … they always tell me that kids did well n they are ok in studies etc 

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